SQL Templates

Ralsei’s template engine is based on jinja, but has a few important extensions

Type awareness

While base jinja pastes every {{ value }} as-is, ralsei translates types to their SQL counterpart (as well as resolving OutputOf dependencies):

The {%split%} tag

Some databases (like SQLite) do not support executing multiple statements within a single execute() call, at least without breaking transactions.

In order to write multiple statements in one file, the {%split%} tag was introduced to separate the statements. It’s treated as a special token by the template engine, splitting the result into multiple strings:

CREATE TABLE {{table}}(
    name TEXT


INSERT INTO {{table}}(name)
SELECT name from {{other}}
>>> SqlEnvironment().render_split(
...     Path("task.sql").read_text(),
...     table=Table("items"),
...     other=Table("items", "tmp")
... )
['CREATE TABLE "items"(\n    id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY,\n    name TEXT\n);\n\n',
'\n\nINSERT INTO "items"(name)\nSELECT n ame from "tmp"."items"']

Environment defaults


ralsei-globals.range([start, ]stop[, step])

Same as jinja-globals.range()


Same as jinja-globals.dict()

ralsei-globals.joiner(sep: str = ', ') collections.abc.Callable[[], ralsei.types.Sql]

Like jinja-globals.joiner, but outputs raw Sql

ralsei-globals.Column : type[ralsei.types.Column] = Column

The column class, used in AddColumnsSql templates

ralsei-globals.dialect : ralsei.dialect.DialectInfo

The current dialect


ralsei-filters.sql : type[ralsei.types.Sql] = Sql

Treat string as raw SQL

DROP {{ ('VIEW' if view else 'TABLE') | sql }}
ralsei-filters.identifier : type[ralsei.types.Identifier] = Identifier

Treat string as identifier

CREATE TABLE {{ 'My Table' | identifier }}
ralsei-filters.join(values: collections.abc.Iterable[Any], delimiter: str, attribute: str | None = None) ralsei.types.Sql

Like jinja-filters.join(), but outputs raw Sql

Custom variables

Every task has a TaskDef.locals parameter to inject your own variables:

        """CREATE TABLE {{table}}(
            id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY,
            name TEXT
        """INSERT INTO {{table}}(name)
        SELECT name from {{other}}"""
    locals={"other": self.outputof("items_tmp")}

And through Ralsei._prepare_env() you can modify the global environment

class MyApp(Ralsei):
    def _prepare_env(env: SqlEnvironment):
        env.globals["my_global"] = my_global
        env.filters["my_filter"] = my_filter