
Package Contents



The pipeline-running CLI application


class ralsei.app.Ralsei(url: sqlalchemy.engine.URL, pipeline: ralsei.graph.Pipeline)

The pipeline-running CLI application

Decorate your subclass with click.option() decorator to add custom CLI options. Positional arguments are not allowed

url: sqlalchemy.engine.URL

When the class constructor is called by the CLI, the URL is provided as the first argument

pipeline: ralsei.graph.Pipeline

The CLI does not give you the pipeline, you must create one in your subclass and pass it to super().__init__()


@click.option("-s", "--schema", help="Database schema")
class App(Ralsei):
    def __init__(
        url: sqlalchemy.URL, # First argument must always be the url
        schema: str | None, # Custom argument added with the click decorator
        super().__init__(url, MyPipeline(schema))

if __name__ == "__main__":


pipeline : ralsei.graph.Pipeline = None
engine : sqlalchemy.engine.Engine = None
env : ralsei.jinja.SqlEnvironment = None
dag : ralsei.graph.DAG = None
_create_engine(url: sqlalchemy.engine.URL) sqlalchemy.engine.Engine

Override this to customize engine creation

_prepare_env(env: ralsei.jinja.SqlEnvironment)

Here you can add your own filters/globals to the jinja environment

connect() ralsei.connection.ConnectionEnvironment

Creates a new connection, returns connection + jinja env

_on_connect(conn: ralsei.connection.ConnectionEnvironment)

Run custom code after database connection

classmethod build_cli() click.Group

Create a click CLI based on this class

classmethod run_cli(*args, **kwargs)

Build and run click CLI, print traceback in case of exception